Julia Bechmann Apps

Epilepsy Manager 2 1.1
Julia Bechmann
Organize your epilepsy with the EpilepsyManager. With this app you always have the addresses of yourdoctors, your drugs and your medical history in your pocket. Thecenterpiece of the app is the seizure diary. Here you can documenteach seizure in detail, what may help your doctor to optimize youranticonvulsant therapy. The different diary entries may bedisplayed in the seizure calendar and in different charts. All datamay be exported via email.Advantages:* Developed under supervision of a medical doctor.* We do not sell or otherwise market your personal data to thirdparties.Disclaimer: This app is supposed for additional documentationonly. It does not make any treatment proposals. You have to decideby yourself, wether you consult a medical doctor or not. A drugintake is expressly not to be deduced from the app. Despite thegreatest care during the development of the program, we cannotcompletely rule out wrong informations, a faulty recording,displaying or a loos of your entered data. For that reason, the useof this app is at own risk. You must agree to that terms todownload and install the app.
Schmerz Tagebuch 1.2
Julia Bechmann
Mit Hilfe des Schmerz Managers sind Sie in derLage ihre chronischen Schmerzen täglich zu dokumentieren. Soverschaffen Sie sich zum einen selbst einen Überblick über ihrKrankheitsbild und können reflektieren, welche Faktoren ihreBeschwerden positiv und negativ beeinflusst haben. Des Weiterenkönnen Sie das Tagebuch beim nächsten Besuch ihrem behandelndenArzt vorzeigen. An Hand der Aufzeichnungen lässt sich dann evtl.die Schmerztherapie anpassen. Mit Hilfe des Kalenders undverschiedener Diagramme lassen sich die einzelnen Einträge stetsübersichtlich darstellen und können einfach (z.B. per Email)exportieren werden. Darüber hinaus bietet die App die Möglichkeit,die Addressen ihrer Ärzte, ihre Medikamentenliste und ihreKrankengeschichte zu verwalten und stets bei sich zu führen.Einige Vorteile dieser App:* Entwicklung unter ärztlicher Anleitung.* Entwickelt in Deutschland in deutscher Sprache.* Keine Weitergabe der medizinischen Daten an Dritte.With the help of painManager They are to document their daily chronic pain in thesituation. To obtain the one a general idea about their disease andmay reflect factors that have affected their complaints positivelyand negatively. In addition, you can show the diary at the nextvisit their doctor. On the basis of the records can then possiblyadjust the pain therapy. With the help of the calendar and variousdiagrams, the individual entries can always clearly presented andcan easily (eg by email) will export. In addition, the app offersthe ability to set the addresses of their physicians to managetheir medication list and medical history and to always keep withhim.Some advantages of this app:* Development under medical supervision.* Developed in Germany in the German language.* No disclosure of medical information to third parties.
Kopfschmerz Manager 2 1.8
Julia Bechmann
Mit Hilfe des Kopfschmerz Managers sind Sie inder Lage ihre Kopfschmerzen täglich zu dokumentieren. Soverschaffen Sie sich zum einen selbst einen Überblick über ihrKrankheitsbild und können reflektieren, welche Faktoren ihreBeschwerden positiv und negativ beeinflusst haben. Des Weiterenkönnen Sie das Tagebuch beim nächsten Besuch ihrem behandelndenArzt vorzeigen. An Hand der Aufzeichnungen lässt sich dann evtl.die Schmerztherapie anpassen. Mit Hilfe des Kalenders undverschiedener Diagramme lassen sich die einzelnen Einträge stetsübersichtlich darstellen und können einfach (z.B. per Email)exportieren werden. Darüber hinaus bietet die App die Möglichkeit,die Addressen ihrer Ärzte, ihre Medikamentenliste und ihreKrankengeschichte zu verwalten und stets bei sich zu führen. MitHilfe des Kopfschmerztestes kann die Ursache des Kopfschmerzeseingegrenzt werden.Einige Vorteile dieser App:* Entwicklung unter ärztlicher Anleitung.* Entwickelt in Deutschland in deutscher Sprache.* Keine Weitergabe der medizinischen Daten an Dritte.Wichtiger Hinweis: Der Kopfschmerz Manager soll Ihnen dabeihelfen eine Übersicht über die Art und den Verlauf IhrerKopfschmerzen zu bekommen. Diese App ist ausschließlich zurDokumentation vorgesehen. Sie bietet keine Behandlungsratschläge.Sie müssen selber entscheiden, ob und wann Sie einen Arztkonsultieren. Eine Medikamenteneinnahme ist aus der App nichtabzuleiten. Trotz größter Sorgfalt bei der Entwicklung desProgramms sind fehlerhafte Informationen (insbesondere im Lexikon),eine fehlerhafte Speicherung bzw. Wiedergabe der Daten sowie einDatenverlust nie mit letzter Sicherheit auszuschließen. Aus diesemGrund erfolgt die Benutzung der App stets auf eigenes Risiko. Mitdem Kauf und der Installation der App stimmen Sie diesenBedingungen zu.Suchbegriffe: Migräne, Spannungskopfschmerz, ClusterKopfschmerz, Kopfschmerzkalender, KopfschmerztagebuchWith the help of headacheManager, you must be documented their daily headache in thesituation. To obtain the one a general idea about their disease andmay reflect factors that have affected their complaints positivelyand negatively. In addition, you can show the diary at the nextvisit their doctor. On the basis of the records can then possiblyadjust the pain therapy. With the help of the calendar and variousdiagrams, the individual entries can always clearly presented andcan easily (eg by email) will export. In addition, the app offersthe ability to set the addresses of their physicians to managetheir medication list and medical history and to always keep withhim. Using the headache test the cause of the headache can belimited.Some advantages of this app:* Development under medical supervision.* Developed in Germany in the German language.* No disclosure of medical information to third parties.Important Note: The headache Manager to help you get yourheadaches an overview of the nature and course. This app isintended for documentation. It does not provide treatment advice.You must decide for themselves whether and when to consult adoctor. A medication can not be deduced from the app. Despite theutmost care in the development of the program erroneous information(especially in the lexicon), incorrect storage or reproduction ofdata, and data loss can never be excluded with absolute certainty.For this reason, the use of the app is always at your own risk. Bypurchasing and installing the app, you agree to these terms.Keywords: migraine, tension headache, cluster headache, headachediary, headache diary
Stimmungstagebuch (Depression) 1.2
Julia Bechmann
Mit Hilfe des Stimmungstagebuches sind Sie inder Lage ihre Stimmung bei einer Depression, einer Manie oder einemBurn-out Syndrom täglich zu dokumentieren. So verschaffen Sie sichzum einen selbst einen Überblick über ihr Krankheitsbild und könnenreflektieren, welche Faktoren ihre Stimmung positiv und negativbeeinflusst haben. Des Weiteren können Sie das Tagebuch beimnächsten Besuch ihrem behandelnden Arzt oder Psychologen vorzeigen.An Hand der Aufzeichnungen lässt sich dann evtl. die antidepressiveTherapie anpassen. Mit Hilfe des Kalenders und verschiedenerDiagramme lassen sich die einzelnen Einträge stets übersichtlichdarstellen. Die Daten lassen sich einfach (z.B. per Email)exportieren. Darüber hinaus bietet die App die Möglichkeit dieAddressen Ihrer Ärzte, Ihre Medikamentenliste und IhreKrankengeschichte zu verwalten und somit stets bei sich zu führen.Einige Vorteile dieser App:* Entwicklung unter ärztlicher Anleitung.* Entwickelt in Deutschland in deutscher Sprache.* Keine Weitergabe der medizinischen Daten an Dritte.Wichtiger Hinweis: Das Stimmungstagebuch soll Ihnen dabei helfeneine Übersicht über den Verlauf Ihrer Stimmung zu bekommen. DieseApp ist ausschließlich zur Dokumentation vorgesehen. Sie bietetkeine Behandlungsratschläge. Sie müssen selber entscheiden, ob undwann Sie einen Arzt konsultieren. Eine Medikamenteneinnahme ist ausder App nicht abzuleiten. Trotz größter Sorgfalt bei derEntwicklung des Programms sind fehlerhafte Informationen, einefehlerhafte Speicherung bzw. Wiedergabe der Daten sowie einDatenverlust nie mit letzter Sicherheit auszuschließen. Aus diesemGrund erfolgt die Benutzung der App stets auf eigenes Risiko. Mitdem Kauf und der Installation der App stimmen Sie diesenBedingungen zu.With the help of mooddiary you have to be documented in a position their mood indepression, mania, or a burn-out syndrome daily. To obtain the onea general idea about their disease and may reflect factors thathave affected their mood positive and negative. In addition, youcan show the diary at the next visit their doctor or psychologist.On the basis of the records is possibly the antidepressant therapythen can be adjusted. With the help of the calendar and variousdiagrams, the individual entries can always clearly presented. Thedata can be easily exported (eg by email). In addition, the appoffers the option, the addresses of your doctors to manage yourmedication list and your medical history and hence always keep withhim.Some advantages of this app:* Development under medical supervision.* Developed in Germany in the German language.* No disclosure of medical information to third parties.Important Note: The mood diary will help you to get your mood anoverview of the course. This app is intended for documentation. Itdoes not provide treatment advice. You must decide for themselveswhether and when to consult a doctor. A medication can not bededuced from the app. Despite the utmost care in the development ofthe program erroneous information, incorrect storage orreproduction of data, and data loss can never be excluded withabsolute certainty. For this reason, the use of the app is alwaysat your own risk. By purchasing and installing the app, you agreeto these terms.
Irritable Colon Manager 1.1
Julia Bechmann
Organize your irritable colon disease with theIrritable Colon Manager. With this app you always have theaddresses of your doctors, your drugs and your medical history inyour pocket. The centerpiece of the app is the irritable colondiary. Here you can document your symptoms and complaints indetail, what may help your doctor to optimize your therapy. Thedifferent entries may be displayed in the irritable colon calendarand in different charts. All data can be exported via email.Advantages:* Developed under supervision of a medical doctor.* We do not sell or otherwise market your personal data to thirdparties.Disclaimer: This app is supposed for additional documentationonly. It does not make any treatment proposals. You have to decideby yourself, wether you consult a medical doctor or not. A drugintake is expressly not to be deduced from the app. Despite thegreatest care during the development of the program, we cannotcompletely rule out wrong informations, a faulty recording,displaying or a loos of your entered data. For that reason, the useof this app is at own risk. You must agree to that terms todownload and install the app.
Anxiety Disorder Diary 2 1.1
Julia Bechmann
Organize your anxiety disorder with theAnxiety Disorder Diary. With this app you always have the addressesof your doctors, your drugs and your medical history in yourpocket. The centerpiece of the app is the anxiety diary. Here youcan document each episode of anxiety in detail. The differententries can be displayed in the anxiety calendar and in differentcharts. All data may be exported via email.Advantages:* Developed under supervision of a medical doctor.* We do not sell or otherwise market your personal data to thirdparties.
Asthma Manager 2 1.1
Julia Bechmann
Organisieren Sie mit dem Asthma Manager ihreErkrankung. Haben Sie die Adressen Ihrer Ärzte, Ihre Medikamenteund Ihre Krankengeschichte stets bei sich. Führen Sie regelmäßigTagebuch über Ihre Erkrankung und legen Sie dieses beim nächstenBesuch Ihrem behandelnden Arzt vor um so die Therapie zuoptimieren. Mit Hilfe des Kalenders und verschiedener Diagrammelassen sich die einzelnen Einträge stets übersichtlich Darstellen.Die Daten lassen sich einfach (z.B. per Email) exportieren.Einige Vorteile dieser App:* Entwicklung unter ärztlicher Anleitung.* Entwickelt in Deutschland in deutscher Sprache.* Keine Weitergabe der medizinischen Daten an Dritte.Wichtiger Hinweis: Der Asthma Manager soll Ihnen dabei helfeneine Übersicht über den Verlauf Ihrer Erkrankung zu bekommen. DieseApp ist ausschließlich zur Dokumentation vorgesehen. Sie bietetkeine Behandlungsratschläge. Sie müssen selber entscheiden, ob undwann Sie einen Arzt konsultieren. Eine Medikamenteneinnahme ist ausder App nicht abzuleiten. Trotz größter Sorgfalt bei derEntwicklung des Programms sind fehlerhafte Informationen, einefehlerhafte Speicherung bzw. Wiedergabe der Daten sowie einDatenverlust nie mit letzter Sicherheit auszuschließen. Aus diesemGrund erfolgt die Benutzung der App stets auf eigenes Risiko. Mitdem Kauf und der Installation der App stimmen Sie diesenBedingungen zu.Organize with asthmaManager their disease. Do you have the addresses of your doctors,your medications and your medical history with you at all. Performregular diary of your disease and suggest this next time you visityour doctor before to optimize the therapy. With the help of thecalendar and various diagrams, the individual entries can alwaysclearly showing. The data can be easily exported (eg by email).Some advantages of this app:* Development under medical supervision.* Developed in Germany in the German language.* No disclosure of medical information to third parties.Important Note: The Asthma manager to help you get an overviewof your progress. This app is intended for documentation. It doesnot provide treatment advice. You must decide for themselveswhether and when to consult a doctor. A medication can not bededuced from the app. Despite the utmost care in the development ofthe program erroneous information, incorrect storage orreproduction of data, and data loss can never be excluded withabsolute certainty. For this reason, the use of the app is alwaysat your own risk. By purchasing and installing the app, you agreeto these terms.
Asthma Manager 1.1
Julia Bechmann
************************************************************************************Wichtig !!! Es ist eine neue Version der App im Store erhältlich.Suchen Sie nach Asthma Manager 2 im Play Store !!!************************************************************************************Organisieren Sie mit dem Asthma Manager ihre Erkrankung. HabenSie die Adressen Ihrer Ärzte, Ihre Medikamente und IhreKrankengeschichte stets bei sich. Führen Sie regelmäßig Tagebuchüber Ihre Erkrankung und legen Sie dieses beim nächsten BesuchIhrem behandelnden Arzt vor um so die Therapie zu optimieren. MitHilfe des Kalenders und verschiedener Diagramme lassen sich dieeinzelnen Einträge stets übersichtlich Darstellen. Die Daten lassensich einfach (z.B. per Email) exportieren.Einige Vorteile dieser App:* Entwicklung unter ärztlicher Anleitung.* Entwickelt in Deutschland in deutscher Sprache.* Keine Weitergabe der medizinischen Daten an Dritte.************************************************************************************Important! There is a new version of the app in the Store. Look forasthma Manager 2 at Play Store!************************************************************************************Organize with asthma Manager their disease. Do you have theaddresses of your doctors, your medications and your medicalhistory with you at all. Perform regular diary of your disease andsuggest this next time you visit your doctor before to optimize thetherapy. With the help of the calendar and various diagrams, theindividual entries can always clearly showing. The data can beeasily exported (eg by email).Some advantages of this app:* Development under medical supervision.* Developed in Germany in the German language.* No disclosure of medical information to third parties.
Vertigo & Dizziness Manager 1.1
Julia Bechmann
Organize your vertigo with the VertigoManager. With this app you always have the addresses of yourdoctors, your drugs and your medical history in your pocket. Thecenterpiece of the app is the vertigo diary. Here you can documenteach episode of vertigo in detail. The different entries can bedisplayed in the vertigo calendar and in different charts. All datamay be exported via email.Advantages:* Developed under supervision of a medical doctor.* We do not sell or otherwise market your personal data to thirdparties.
Parkinson's disease Manager 1.2
Julia Bechmann
Organize your Parkinson's disease with theParkinson's disease Manager. With this app you always have theaddresses of your doctors, your drugs and your medical history inyour pocket. The centerpiece of the app is the Parkinson's diseasediary. Here you can evaluate your rigor, tremor, akinesia, sidedomination, mood and executive function impairment, what may helpyour doctor to optimize your therapy. The different entries may bedisplayed in the calendar and in different charts. All data may beexported via email.Advantages:* Developed under supervision of a medical doctor.* We do not sell or otherwise market your personal data to thirdparties.Disclaimer: This app is supposed for additional documentationonly. It does not make any treatment proposals. You have to decideby yourself, wether you consult a medical doctor or not. A drugintake is expressly not to be deduced from the app. Despite thegreatest care during the development of the program, we cannotcompletely rule out wrong informations, a faulty recording,displaying or a loos of your entered data. For that reason, the useof this app is at own risk. You must agree to that terms todownload and install the app.
Crohn's Disease Manager 2 1.1
Julia Bechmann
Organize your Crohn's disease with the Crohn'sDisease Manager. With this app you always have the addresses ofyour doctors, your drugs and your medical history in your pocket.The centerpiece of the app is the Crohn's disease diary. Here youcan document your symptoms and complaints in detail, what may helpyour doctor to optimize your therapy. The different entries may bedisplayed in the Crohn's disease calendar and in different charts.All data may be exported via email.Advantages:* Developed under supervision of a medical doctor.* We do not sell or otherwise market your personal data to thirdparties.Disclaimer: This app is supposed for additional documentationonly. It does not make any treatment proposals. You have to decideby yourself, wether you consult a medical doctor or not. A drugintake is expressly not to be deduced from the app. Despite thegreatest care during the development of the program, we cannotcompletely rule out wrong informations, a faulty recording,displaying or a loos of your entered data. For that reason, the useof this app is at own risk. You must agree to that terms todownload and install the app.
Colitis Ulcerativa Manager 2 1.1
Julia Bechmann
Organize your colitis ulcerativa with theColitis Ulcerativa Manager. With this app you always have theaddresses of your doctors, your drugs and your medical history inyour pocket. The centerpiece of the app is the colitis ulcerativadiary. Here you can document your symptoms and complaints indetail, what may help your doctor to optimize your therapy. Thedifferent entries may be displayed in the Colitis Ulcerativacalendar and in different charts. All data may be exported viaemail.Advantages:* Developed under supervision of a medical doctor.* We do not sell or otherwise market your personal data to thirdparties.Disclaimer: This app is supposed for additional documentationonly. It does not make any treatment proposals. You have to decideby yourself, wether you consult a medical doctor or not. A drugintake is expressly not to be deduced from the app. Despite thegreatest care during the development of the program, we cannotcompletely rule out wrong informations, a faulty recording,displaying or a loos of your entered data. For that reason, the useof this app is at own risk. You must agree to that terms todownload and install the app.
Diabetes Manager (mmol/l) 1.1
Julia Bechmann
Organize your diabetes with the DiabetesManager. With this app you always have the addresses of yourdoctors, your drugs and your medical history in your pocket. Thecenterpiece of the app is the diabetes diary. Here you can documenteach measurement in detail. The different entries may be displayedin the diabetes calendar and in different charts. All data can beexported via email.Advantages:* Developed under supervision of a medical doctor.* We do not sell or otherwise market your personal data to thirdparties.
Blood Pressure Manager 2 1.2
Julia Bechmann
Organize your blood pressure with the BloodPressure Manager. With this app you always have the addresses ofyour doctors, your drugs and your medical history in your pocket.The centerpiece of the app is the blood pressure diary. Here youcan document each measurement in detail. The different entries maybe displayed in the blood pressure calendar and in differentcharts. All data can be exported via email.Advantages:* Developed under supervision of a medical doctor.* We do not sell or otherwise market your personal data to thirdparties.
Thyroid diary - Hypothyroidism 1.2
Julia Bechmann
Organize your hypothyroidism! With this appyou always have the addresses of your doctors, your drugs and yourmedical history in your pocket. The centerpiece of the app is theThyroid diary. Here you can document your symptoms and complaintsin detail, what may help your doctor to optimize your therapy. Thedifferent entries may be displayed in the calendar and in differentcharts. All data may be exported via email.Advantages:* Developed under supervision of a medical doctor.* We do not sell or otherwise market your personal data to thirdparties.Disclaimer: This app is supposed for additional documentationonly. It does not make any treatment proposals. You have to decideby yourself, wether you consult a medical doctor or not. A drugintake is expressly not to be deduced from the app. Despite thegreatest care during the development of the program, we cannotcompletely rule out wrong informations, a faulty recording,displaying or a loos of your entered data. For that reason, the useof this app is at own risk. You must agree to that terms todownload and install the app.
Panic Manager 2 1.1
Julia Bechmann
Organize your panic attacks with the PanicDisorder Manager 2. With this app you always have the addresses ofyour doctors, your drugs and your medical history in your pocket.The centerpiece of the app is the panic diary. Here you candocument each episode of panic in detail. The different entries canbe displayed in the panic attack calendar and in different charts.All data may be exported via email.Advantages:* Developed under supervision of a medical doctor.* We do not sell or otherwise market your personal data to thirdparties.
Fever Manager 2 1.1
Julia Bechmann
Document your body temperature with the FeverManager Pro. With this app you always have the addresses of yourdoctors, your drugs and your medical history in your pocket. Thecenterpiece of the app is the fever diary. Here you can documenteach measurement in detail. The different entries may be displayedin the boy temperature calendar and in different charts. All datacan be exported via email.Advantages:* Developed under supervision of a medical doctor.* We do not sell or otherwise market your personal data to thirdparties.
Thyroid diary- Hyperthyroidism 1.2
Julia Bechmann
Organize your hyperthyroidism! With this appyou always have the addresses of your doctors, your drugs and yourmedical history in your pocket. The centerpiece of the app is theThyroid diary. Here you can document your symptoms and complaintsin detail, what may help your doctor to optimize your therapy. Thedifferent entries may be displayed in the calendar and in differentcharts. All data may be exported via email.Advantages:* Developed under supervision of a medical doctor.* We do not sell or otherwise market your personal data to thirdparties.Disclaimer: This app is supposed for additional documentationonly. It does not make any treatment proposals. You have to decideby yourself, wether you consult a medical doctor or not. A drugintake is expressly not to be deduced from the app. Despite thegreatest care during the development of the program, we cannotcompletely rule out wrong informations, a faulty recording,displaying or a loos of your entered data. For that reason, the useof this app is at own risk. You must agree to that terms todownload and install the app.
Diabetes Manager 2 (mg/dl) 1.1
Julia Bechmann
Organize your diabetes with the DiabetesManager. With this app you always have the addresses of yourdoctors, your drugs and your medical history in your pocket. Thecenterpiece of the app is the diabetes diary. Here you can documenteach measurement in detail. The different entries may be displayedin the diabetes calendar and in different charts. All data can beexported via email.Advantages:* Developed under supervision of a medical doctor.* We do not sell or otherwise market your personal data to thirdparties.
Diabetes Manager (mmol/l) 1.0
Julia Bechmann
Organize your diabetes with the DiabetesManager. With this app you always have the addresses of yourdoctors, your drugs and your medical history in your pocket. Thecenterpiece of the app is the diabetes diary. Here you can documenteach measurement in detail. The different entries may be displayedin the diabetes calendar and in different charts. All data can beexported via email.Advantages:* Developed under supervision of a medical doctor.* We do not sell or otherwise market your personal data to thirdparties.
Restless legs syndrome 1.1
Julia Bechmann
Organize your restless legs syndrome withtheRestless Legs Manager. With this app you always have theaddressesof your doctors, your drugs and your medical history inyourpocket. The centerpiece of the app is the RLS diary. Here youcandocument each episode of RLS in detail, what may help yourdoctorto optimize your therapy. The different entries may bedisplayed inthe RLS calendar and in different charts. All data maybe exportedvia email.Advantages:* Developed under supervision of a medical doctor.* We do not sell or otherwise market your personal data tothirdparties.